Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Dear, Dedicated Readers,

I didn't think this sort of thing would happen so soon. Sure, my blog is captivating, rich, entertaining, and inspirational, but I had no idea you were so galvanized by such simple prose.

This post is directed at the most active amongst you (you know who you are). I have a simple message: violence is not the answer!

In an earlier post, I put a particular ad campaign on blast for it's egregious lack of grammatical integrity. Although I was certainly heated, dismayed, and upset, I by no means authorized or encouraged violent reaction.

Walking down Montgomery Street the other day, I was appalled to see that my words had been used to justify an act of violence (see photo)

I'd like to extend a heartfelt apology to this poor, defenseless poster - my heart and thoughts are with it and its entire family.

To the dear, misguided readers responsible, I ask that you pray for this poster and its speedy recovery.  I also ask that you take a look at your actions, and ask yourself if you really acted in the best interest of our cause.  Sure, this poster displayed a lack of compliance with well-defined tenets of grammatical integrity, but I remind you that ours is not the role of enforcer!  Violent action such as this does more to harm than help our cause.

It is only by exemplifying the statutes of grammar and cleverness that we so cherish that we shall prevail.  In the words of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, "the pen is mightier than the sword".

So, dear readers, please take these words to heart, and go forth with renewed commitment to properly placed apostrophes, appropriate metaphors, and habitual proof-reading.  Let's lead by example.

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